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Toolbox Series #3: Engaging with Global South communities: Challenges, Methods and Opportunities for Digital Health - A conversation with Nervo Xavier Verdezoto, Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University

Most of Nervo Xavier Verdezoto’s research aligns to the turn to practice in HCI and combines fieldwork with user-centered and participatory design methods to further understand people’s everyday practices, different stakeholders needs, and how people appropriate technology. In particular, he has expertise in ethnographically informed design, user-centered and participatory design, and design and evaluation of sociotechnical systems and has been working in various research projects related to healthcare, physical computing, and sustainable HCI. For example, his previous research has investigated the everyday challenges of older adults (healthy and with heart conditions) engaging in self-monitoring and medication practices and how pregnant women with preeclampsia use and interact with self-monitoring technologies to further understand how these technologies change people’s everyday practices and shape their clinical encounters and decision making.

In addition, he has been investigating healthcare infrastructures in the Global South with particular focus on maternal and child health practices and pregnancy complications. Recently, he lead a network of 19 multidisciplinary co-investigators from UK and South Africa aiming to co-design community-based interventions to improve maternal and child health. He also has health related projects in India, Ecuador, Peru, Ghana, and Bangladesh.

Community-based Co-design across Geographic Locations and Cultures: Methodological Lessons from Co-design Workshops in South Africa

Embodied Negotiations, Practices and Experiences Interacting with Pregnancy Care Infrastructures in South India

The Invisible Work of Maintenance in Community Health: Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Health to Support Frontline Health Workers in Karnataka, South India

March 7

Toolbox Series #2. Citational Justice: A conversation with Neha Kumar, Associate Professor at Georgia Tech and Naveena Karusala, PhD student at University of Washington

December 14

Toolbox Series #4: A conversation with Erik Grönvall, Associate Professor at the IT University in CPH